Fellow Ugandans, especially the Bazukulu.
Greetings. I am airborne returning from Abu Dhabi where I had gone to meet His Highness Nahyan, the President of the UAE. We had very good and fruitful discussions regarding economic cooperation.
On this occasion however, I want to congratulate the Security Forces (UPDF, Uganda Police and the intelligence services) for successfully protecting the suspected sinners (Abasiisi) of Nyege Nyege in Jinja, until their function was over, without a single incident. This shows you the strength of the Uganda security system- to be able to guard such a long pre-announced massive public function, the threats of the terrorists notwithstanding. The pigs of ADF in Congo had indeed sent a few infiltrators to try and disrupt the function of the suspected sinners. Indeed, I hear that the panicky Americans and British sent out what they call advisories to their citizens not to come to Uganda. These are mistake makers. If the situation was so bad, it would be us to advise people not to come to Uganda; not the British and the Americans. We know what we are doing, always. Even if a mistake occurs, we know how to handle it. These advisories by some of these actors are another form of interference in our internal affairs by these elements. Moreover, part of the terrorism in Africa is either created or conserved by some of the actors that try to be global policemen. The chaos in Libya, and the surrounding countries of the Sahel (Mali, Burkina-Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, etc.) was caused by some of these actors. The terrorism conservation project in Eastern Congo for the past 20 years, is by the UN which is controlled by some of these actors through the undemocratic structures of that body, such as the Security Council.
It is amazing how the UN can supervise and co-exist with killers of Congolese and Ugandans in Eastern Congo for the last 20 years and they are not bothered at all. They have created free space for all sorts of empty-headed pigs to gather, train, steal resources of Congo kill Congolese and, once in a while, kill Ugandans as well as undermining the economic future of the people of the Great Lakes. There is a National Park in Congo known as Biruunga National Park (pronounced as Virunga by people who do not know our language), on the other side of the border. I am not sure that tourists visit it because, it is where the killers of the Lubiriha children, the killers of our two tourists and their driver and the ones who burnt the onions truck, were coming from. That Biruunga National Park is part of Busongora whose other half is on the Ugandan side. Makara, where the battle of Makara of around 1840 took place, is some kilometres inside Congo. That aggression by the marauding Banyankore against the Basongora was led by Bachwa, the warlike son of Mutambuukaka, the Omugabe who died around 1870, when the Banyankore captured a beautiful young musongora princess, Kibooga. Kibooga was married by these promoters of unprincipled wars among our tribes and produced Ntare V, Rugingiiza, who reigned until 1895 when he died as the Europeans were becoming a new problem to our long-suffering people and after whom Ntare School is named.
The Ugandan security forces, to go back to our topic, were able to protect the suspected sinners against the schemes of the pigs. We salute H.E Tshisekedi for allowing us to work with Congo to eradicate the threat of these pigs. We are not only eliminating the few infiltrators, like when we arrested Njovu on Lake Edward (Butuumbi Lake) and killed his colleagues. We shall finish all of those inside Congo, working with the Congo Army and our brothers and sisters, the Congolese. When we killed one of the Njovu group at Kasiindi, on the Congo side, I heard that the civilians burnt the dead body because of their anger against the terrorists. It is unbelievable to discover that somebody known as Abu wa Kasi or something like that, an Arab from Tanzania, is the one who sent another pig known as Kamasu, a Congolese and the captured Njovu to kill the children of Lubiriha, the tourists, etc. How can such criminality go on in Africa? Is this what our elders- Nyerere, Nkrumah, Mandela, Musaazi, Lumumba, etc. fought for? Fortunately, present-day Uganda can make a decisive contribution in at least, the parts of Africa near us. We shall win. I call these parasite killers of ADF “pigs” because it is written in the Bible just like that. It is in the book of Mathew 7:6. It says: “Don’t give to dogs what is holy and don’t throw your pearls to the pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, then turn and attack you”.
These parasites who do not want to work for a living and prefer to use the ungoverned parts of Africa to steal, rape, etc. will pay with their wretched lives.
Olugaambo (rumour-mongering).
This is Museneene (the month of the grasshoppers). Where are they? Climate change? I do not eat the Nseneene. However, I always wish the Nseneene, the fish eaters, etc. good luck. Inform me when the Nseneene appears. How about the answer (the flying ants)? October is Kashwa- the month of the enswa. Did they appear?